Friday, November 25, 2011


Hello again!
Today my topic will be on Greek and Roman inspired business products.  I will list things that businesses have produced that either take the name inspired by Greek or Roman mythology or are similar to what Greeks and Romans made in ancient times.  Everything produced in our world was inspired by something, and ancient times have inspired a lot of what we have, and use today.
Starting off with the structures of our businesses.  There are tons of buildings in the world today that have been built very similarly to our monumental buildings in Greece and Rome.  Things like columns, pediments, friezes, and even buildings made from marble are all very similar to what the Greeks had originally built in ancient times.  Mainly on the Acropolis.  In America in particular,  Washington DC is filled with buildings that have a Greek inspired structure.  One for example, the Lincoln monument. We also have many museums and theaters around the world who have that similar structure filled with columns all around them and some even have an ancient mythological name, for instance the Apollo theatre.

Next we have household products that have the name of a Greek mythological god or well warriors.  Starting with Ajax, the household cleaner that we all have heard of.  Ajax was a Greek warrior in the Trojan War.  Next we have Ares who was the Greek god of war which inspired, Ares lighting systems.  Venus, Roman for Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love has inspired the ever so popular Venus Razor for women.  Which by the way I happen to use myself.  And of course the all knowing Trojan, which were the people of a mighty city before it was destroyed by the Trojan war, has inspired Trojan condoms and birth control.

Now we can get into some of the larger products that people use everyday in or out of the home.  Atlas snowshoes could com in handy during the winter, inspired from Atlas who was doomed to support the heavens on his shoulders.  Charon, the boatman who ferries the souls of the dead to the underworld inspired Charon internet, which we all are grateful for the internet in general.  Centaur Pharmaceuticals which was inspired by the half man half horse creature.  Saturn the father of Zeus, inspired Saturn automobiles.  And of course as I mentioned previously, Nike winged goddess of victory inspired nike shoes which to this day are one of the largest sneaker companies out there.  There are countless more products that have been created but I don’t want to bore anyone reading this just naming off every one.

Ancient Greece and Rome has obviously left a large impact in the world and I am really enjoying researching the things that they have left us, whether it be in art, architecture or just everyday products.  Until next time!
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